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Attend to cracks before they become chasms (for individuals in a committed relationship).

Every relationship has its unique strengths and areas that could benefit from thoughtful attention. By taking this test, you can uncover where your relationship is thriving and where small cracks might need mending—ensuring they don’t grow into bigger challenges over time.

Are you putting your efforts where they matter most? Gain valuable insights, compare your relationship to others who’ve taken the test, and focus on what truly strengthens your bond. This is your chance to nurture a deeper connection and build an even stronger foundation for the future.

SKU: 008 Category:

Who can benefit from the test?

    • Adults (21 years and older) in a relationship for at least 12 months
    • Any of the following 5 categories:
      • Single in an intimate relationship (dating seriously or cohabiting)
      • Engaged
      • Married
      • In an open relationship or marriage
      • In a domestic partnership or civil union
    • Any sexual or relationship orientations

What are the unique benefits of taking  Relationship Panoramic as an individual?

    1. Many people have told us that they gained valuable insights just by taking the test.
    2. The report will offer some interpretation, tips and tools related to areas highlighted in your test. These will help you transition from “relationship literacy” to “relationship proficiency”.
    3. You are guided to utilize your relationship strengths to succeed when you initiate, maintain, grow and–if needed–rescue your relationship.
    4. Your Profile illustrates how your interpersonal choices and individual traits compare to others.
    5. It highlights the areas that you need to work on as an individual to help improve the outcome of your relationship(s).

What domains are measured through the Relationship Panoramic Inventory?

    1. Relationship Outcomes:
      • Sense of Fit
      • Overall Satisfaction
      • Sense of Thriving
      • Sexual Satisfaction
      • Health and Well-being
    2. Six ingredients of Emergent Love:
      • Expressed: Respecting, loving, trusting as well as being compassionate, committed, and attracted to your partner.
      • Experienced: Feeling respected, loved, cared for, trusted and attracted by your partner, as well as seeing commitment in your partner.
    3. Individual Fundamentals:
      • Ability to Connect
      • Moral Values
      • Healthy Financial attitude
      • Positive Thoughts
      • Positive Emotions
      • Abstract thinking
    4. Areas for Compatibilities:
      • Vision for the future of the Relationship
      • Personal Identity
      • General Interests
      • Politics/Worldviews
      • Religion/Spirituality
      • Energy Levels
      • Other Preferences

What does the Relationship Panoramic Personal Profile consist of?

    1. Your assessment of how you view your relationship’s outcome
    2. Your assessment of the strengths of the 6 ingredients for emergent love.
    3. Your assessment of individual fundamentals that you can work on to enhance your current and future relationships.
    4. Self-awareness about the vision you have for your relationship and other areas that are key in building compatibility.

How does the process work?

    1. Add the product to your cart. When you are done shopping, proceed to checkout.
    2. Sign in to your account or register if you don’t already have one.
    3. After you complete the checkout process, you will receive a unique access code via email and on your dashboard within one business day.
    4. Use your access code to gain access to and complete the Relationship Panoramic Inventory online, which takes about 20-30 minutes.
    5. You will receive your Relationship Panoramic Personal Profile via e-mail in 3 business days and can use it to better understand and maximize your relationship potential.

Can I retake the Relationship Panoramic Inventory? Will taking it more than once affect my results?

Your scores in domains 1 and 2 (relationship outcomes and interpersonal dynamics) may change over time and from one relationship to another. Therefore, you may re-take the test to re-assess your current state as you wish. However, some areas in your individual fundamental scores (domain 3) are more stable over time and you may not see a significant change over time.

Can Relationship Panoramic Personal Profile reveal whether I am in the right relationship or not?

One of the key distinctions of the Emergent Love model is its belief in 1 + 1 = 3—a concept that emphasizes how each individual’s contributions significantly shape the outcome of a relationship. Taking the Relationship Panoramic Inventory as an individual in a committed relationship can provide insights into areas where you can grow as a stronger contributor, no matter the relationship you’re in.

The Relationship Panoramic Inventory is designed to holistically assess multiple dimensions of relationships to foster self-awareness and provide additional insights for professionals like therapists and counselors. However, it is not intended to dictate specific relationship paths or outcomes.

While certain traits and trends in your profile may correlate with positive relationship outcomes, lower scores or differing patterns do not mean you cannot build a thriving, fulfilling relationship. Our research shows that individuals with varying values, visions, and mindsets can still create deeply satisfying connections when their unique strengths are understood and leveraged effectively.

Your Relationship Panoramic Profile is a tool to help you recognize your personal strengths and opportunities for growth, enabling you to bring your best self to your current or future relationships. It’s about learning how to make the most of your unique qualities to enrich and sustain meaningful connections.